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Committed to Our Cause

We’re very proud of the diversity of our team, and their abilities to contribute their own unique ways to our success. Find out more about some of our leaders and volunteers below.

Mathias Adidi

Volunteer Trustee/Chairman

Name- Mathias Adidi.
Address- Lagos State, Nigeria
Occupation, water engineer 

Team: Team

Join The Team

want to be part of the dedicated team???

Our organization structure in a way to accommodate all dedicated volunteer who are ready to work with us to achieve our aims and objective


Interested Volunteer should contact us

The organization will list you up in a position or area you can best fit in to work with us.



Methods for promote from MEMBER TO TEAM.

 The board of directors (article 5 of the by-law)

upon approval of application such volunteer will be documented (on probation).

And to continue working with loyalty and honesty pending when the organization will document him/or her officially (with benefits).

DEMOTION of a Volunteer

Reason to demote or suspend a volunteer team from the documented list.

a), if failed to continue his responsibilities. 

b,)violate the organization rules and guideline. 

c.)conflict of interest. 

d.)mismanagement of funds.

Such member will be reported to the welfare committee. And after   investigation .the committee will then recommend to the board of directors for DEMOTION or suspension of such member

Team Meeting
Team: Text
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