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Our Benefits Programs

poverty alleviation programs

PROGRAM 1:- Animal Farming  (Upcoming)

This organization has commenced plan to acquire acres of land in different part of the country for this project. 
Aim at educating and  training the youths ,empowering the YOUTH and create employment for the YOUTH.
How it works?
When we start this program application form will be open for all interested Nigerians to apply for free .


1:- Fish farming.
   (a) fish hatching .
   (b) fish rearing.
   (c) fish marketing. 
2:- Snail farming
     (a) Snail rearing. 
     (b) Snail marketing. 
3:- Pig farming.
    (a) pig rearing.
    (b) pig marketing. 
4:- Chicken/Turkey farming
    (a) chicken/turkey rearing.
    (b) chicken/turkey marketing. 

Applicants can only apply for (1) category of the farm project Training ,empowerment, and empowerment procedure. 
1:- applicants will be trained for the full-time duration
2:- applicants will embark on probation understand the supervision of the organization for same training duration. 
3:- applicants will benefit from probation profits. 
4:- applicants will decide to employ his own workers and continue partnership with profits sharing with the organization. 
5:- applicants will decide to move away to establish his own and employ his own workers. 
By doing all this we shall create millions of jobs, empowerment for the people.



PROGRAM 2 :- ₦5000 Covid-19 Relief Package

In view of the hardship on Nigerians due to the pandemic. Our organization LYEPEI (An NGO registered under the federal government of Nigeria)

Has start a covid-19 relief package program since June To ease the hardship on Nigerians.
(As much as we wish we could give everyone registering for this program) But due to limited funds the organization can't give to as many as it wishes. However we are giving to 50 lucky winners to show our support to NIGERIANS.
In our own little way This organization will continue to do more to empower Nigerians.

How to apply !!!

Fill the application form on our website by following the instructions stated there. Also (due to anonymous applications) to qualify for the draw you must have your application submitted on our system as many times as possible for the period of the month.

On the 30th day of the month top 100 applicants with the most submitted applications in our system will qualify for the raffle draw automatically to be picked among the lucky 50.

draws will be done live on video and made available on our YouTube channel and Facebook page on 1st of every month,

Winners will be contacted and paid at the 1st of every month.


PROGRAM 3:- Covid-19 Data Relief Package (On-Going)


Due to serious lock-down and social distance in place to prevent the spread of the corona-virus. People movement has been limited. School virtual learning is now been encourage.

Our organization (LYEPEI) has commenced starting From the month of August to give free 1.5GB monthly data subscription for 50 lucky People too.

Due to limited fund the organization can't give Everyone, However the organization is proud to support 50 lucky winners each month. And will gradually increase the numbers of beneficiaries in the future

How to apply !!!Fill the application form on our website by following the instructions stated there. Also (due to anonymous applications) to qualify for the draw you must have your application submitted on our system as many times as possible for the period of the month.On the 30th day of the month top 100 applicants with the most submitted applications in our system will qualify for the raffle draw automatically to be picked among the lucky 50. Draws will be done live on video and made available on our YouTube channel and Facebook page on 1st of every month,Winners will be contacted and paid at the 1st of every month.NB:- (THIS ORGANIZATION IS NOT ASKING NOR WILL NEVER ASK FOR ANY SUCH OF PAYMENT/MONEY OR ANY REGISTRATION FEE WHATSOEVER FROM ANYONE) ITS ABSOLUTELY FREE FOR EVERYONE TO BENEFIT FROM !!!!



Program 5:- Youth Empowerment Seminar

Congratulations to all NIGERIANS as our organization leadership for youth enhancements and poverty eradication initiative (LYEPEI) has begins youth enhancements program.

Free physical seminar, and free online seminar to train and empower Nigerians.


How it works !!!

1, Free seminar taking place in Lagos state NIGERIA, Due to social distance only 50 seat will be available, To be part of the physical seminar visit our website, apply for the group or your choice, there are ( 1 to 5 groups of different products to be learned)  to be part of the 50 applicants apply as many times as possible as the 50 people with the highest submitted applications will be picked to attend the physical seminar while others will be registered for online seminar .

(sealed and stamped Diploma certificates will be issued to all participant either physical or online)


Day 1) November 7 2020

programs activities !!

 1, group A training 11am-1pm

 2, group B training 1pm-3pm     

 3, group C training 3pm-5pm


Day 2) November 8 2020

Program activities. 

1. group D 9am to 12noon

2. group E 1pm to 3pm

2, free online seminar 

    Group A 20 Nov 2020 6pm

    Group B 21 Nov 2020 6pm

    Group C 22 Nov 2020 6pm

    Group D 23 Nov 2020 6pm

    Group E 24 Nov 2020 6pm



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